
“National Enterprise Technology Center” awarded the Gushen Group????????

Column:Group News Time:2015-12-05
On November 16th, the 14th China International Hi-Tech Fair was hosted by the National Development and Reform Commission in Shenzhen.


On November 16th, the 14th China International Hi-Tech Fair was hosted by the National Development and Reform Commission in Shenzhen. The meeting awarded the 19th batch of 94 “National Certified Enterprise Technology Centers” newly approved this year. Gushen Group Enterprise Technology Center became the first national-level enterprise technology center in the county. Gushen Group is the first batch of agricultural product processing demonstration enterprises, national agricultural product processing and export demonstration enterprises, and national key leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization management; it is the executive vice president unit of the national soybean industry technology innovation strategy demonstration alliance, and led the formation of Shandong Provincial soybean industry technology innovation strategy demonstration alliance; the company has established a national post-doctoral research station; has undertaken the national "Eleventh Five-Year" and "Twelfth Five-Year" science and technology support plan, and has undertaken major national and provincial science and technology projects in the past three years. The “Gu Shen” trademark was also recognized as a well-known trademark in China by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
      The National Enterprise Technology Center is jointly awarded by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, and the Ministry of Taxation. It is the most technologically innovative platform with the highest domestic specifications and the most influential. Its certification standards are quite demanding.
     "This time, the recognition of the National Enterprise Technology Center affirmed Gushen's industry leading position and scientific and technological strength, and also stimulated the enthusiasm of independent innovation." Sun Zhanyi, deputy general manager of the company said.